Monday, July 27, 2009

Potty Training Report #1

This morning we began potty training...officially. We had a great start to the day. Bridget was happy to sit on her potty chair (and go) right away! We gave her a sticker and an m&m...and put her in underwear to start the day. We had great success early in the day, and what I would have expected later in the day (a few accidents). In total, we added three new stickers to the potty chair today!


  1. That sounds like a great start!!

  2. That's great!!! Don't give up, even if she backtracks a bit. She'll be fully trained before you know it!

  3. Sounds like you're off to a great start! That's awesome!

  4. yay! you originally inspired us to use stickers & now livia's potty's are fully covered... she also get's to blow out a candle when everything takes place INSIDE the potty, which was my mother's idea, & a great one for livi. today was the first day she went to chilcare in underwear & got picked up in underwear (diapers were also on somewhere in between), very exciting.
