Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Describing Bridget - by brother Kyle (12 1/2)

Three words to describe Bridget: "outgoing, curious, goofy."

When I think of Bridget I think of someone who is adorable, funny, and my sister. I do not see a person who is disabled. Bridget has shown my family and me what kids with disabilities are like (they are like the rest of us), and now many other people understand too. Bridget is growing up quickly. She is always changing and discovering new things. I am glad that Bridget is with us. I would never wish that she was not my little sister. She is awesome.


  1. This is great, Lisa. We know Bridget is awesome...but Kyle is obviously an equally awesome kid AND big brother! You're all very lucky to have each other :)

  2. You must be so proud! What an awesome big brother!

  3. What a great big brother. Not many older brother love there baby sisters and say such sweet things about them. Put a tear in my eye. You have such great kids. God has truely blessed you.
